Majken Overgaard Majken Overgaard

Northwest Spiral

The Northwest Spiral

The Northwest Spiral is a permanent light installation developed for the Culture House Nordvest in Helsingør in collaboration with culture cultural consultant Stine Polke-Pedersen and artist Jakob Kvist. The collaborative process took place in 2020 and the installation was opened after the restrictions were lifted in 2022

The grant for the light installation was given by Helsingør Municipality shortly before the first COVID19 lockdown was implemented in Denmark. This meant that we had to rethink the format and concept. We wanted to create an installation that could create dialogue and a sense of togetherness despite the isolation we were all subjected to. We developed a process where citizens in the local area could pick up a colored lamp of their choice and place it in their window. The social project became a great success, many participated and worked with the light displays in their homes. 

All lamps were placed in the windows and you could walk around the neighborhood in the evening and experience the many colored lights. It broke the sense of isolation and loneliness for many and brought instead the sense of connectedness and local engagement. After a month’s exhibition in the local homes the lamps were returned and assembled into one large installation in the Culture House Nordvest. This means that locals today have a unique connection to the light installation. The installation has transformed the culture house from a relatively anonymous building into a cultural landmark. It is a unique installation that moves playfully across the central space of the house and creates an atmosphere that makes everyone who walks through the door sense that this is a place where everyone is welcome to experiment and explore.

The installation and process was supported by Helsingør Municipality.