Majken Overgaard Majken Overgaard

Living Soil

Living Soil is an interdisciplinary artwork created by the artist Amalie Smith for the library and garden at Viborg Gymnasium. Throughout 2024-25 the project will unfold in four acts involving the school’s visual arts, chemistry, biology, and biotechnology classes. Together, the four acts aim to cultivate a practical and visual understanding of soil as a […]


Friction is a talk program for the culture festival Kulturmødet curated and moderated by Nicklas Larsen and Majken Overgaard in August 2023. Why Is Friction Important? Friction is crucial in many aspects of our daily lives, acting as a catalyst for change and opening up insights into our shared potential futures. The Friction Program is […]

AI and Sound

Rytmisk Center and the Danish Musicians’ Union hosted three events in 2024 focusing on how AI is transforming the music industry. I curated and moderated the three events. Technological advancements have always reshaped artistic and creative processes, from photography to synthesizers and digital sampling. Generative AI is now accelerating this transformation, enabling musicians to create […]

I’m an Archive

Talk held in 2023 and 2024 as part of a talk series co-arranged by the art institution Heirloom and The Association of Visual Artists. ‘I’m an archive’ explores how digital materiality is reshaping artistic practices, with a focus on the role of AI in transforming the creation process through algorithmic tools and generative techniques. It […]

Northwest Spiral

The Northwest Spiral

The Northwest Spiral is a permanent light installation developed for the Culture House Nordvest in Helsingør in collaboration with culture cultural consultant Stine Polke-Pedersen and artist Jakob Kvist. The collaborative process took place in 2020 and the installation was opened after the restrictions were lifted in 2022 The grant for the light installation was given […]

Refik Anadol at Arken

Nature Dreams, Refik Anadol at Arken

In 2023 Refik Anadol showed his first solo exhibition in Denmark at Arken – Museum for Contemporary Art. I wrote an article for the exhibition and facilitated a talk about his work and interpretation of artificial intelligence at Arken – Museum for Contemporary Art. Artificial intelligence is taking up more and more space in our […]

Data garden

Data Data Data

The exhibition Data Data Data explored how we can create awareness of data use and its consequences. Data Data Data was developed with the Technical Museum of Denmark and shown at Catch – Center for Art and Technology in 2020. Today, many people struggle with the task of exerting control over the utilization of their […]

The Museum in the Age of Algorithms

The Museum in the Age of Algorithms

The talk The Museum in the Age of Algorithms held at the National Gallery of Denmark April, 2023. How can data and algorithms be used as a strategic management tool in museums? How can artists broaden our understanding of data, considering it to be collective and relational – something that always emerges in relationships between […]

Me and my Avatar

Me and My Avatar

The talk ‘Me and My Avatar’ was held at Processing Day, Copenhagen & Artsformation Conference, Brussels in October – November, 2023 and explores our digital and physical identities. In the 1990s the world wide web became part of our lives. The Internet opened up for new experiments with identity, gender and sexuality – online you […]