Majken Overgaard Majken Overgaard


Enlightened is a collaborative art project developed with citizens in Køge in 2024-25, using contemporary art installations to explore climate change, sustainability, and community engagement. Køge is experiencing the impact of climate change firsthand, facing rising water levels and floodings. Addressing climate change can feel overwhelming, but art creates a space for collective reflection and […]

Living Soil

Living Soil is an interdisciplinary artwork created by the artist Amalie Smith for the library and garden at Viborg Gymnasium. Throughout 2024-25 the project will unfold in four acts involving the school’s visual arts, chemistry, biology, and biotechnology classes. Together, the four acts aim to cultivate a practical and visual understanding of soil as a […]

The Blue Hour

The Blue Hour was shown at Christiansborg Palace, 2023. The blue hour describes the time of day when the sun sets and twilight descends. The center of the sun is below the horizon, and the blue wavelengths of light color the sky. Day fades, and night is on its way. Throughout history, people have marked […]

Against All Odds – Historical Women and New Algorithms

Exhibition at the National Gallery of Denmark, 2023. During the years 1870-1910, a number of Nordic female artists achieved success against all odds. However, despite their success, they were later forgotten and quietly disappeared from history. What happened? We investigate this question, bring the artists back into the spotlight and explore how artificial intelligence can […]

Techno Mythologies

Techno Mythologies

Through a sensory total installation created for Christian IV’s Brewery, the artist duo Wang & Söderström present alternatives to the dominant narratives about technology. Over the past 30 years, our view of technology has been dominated by the emergence of the internet and the personal computer, along with the platforms and business models that have […]


VEGA Beyond

VEGA Beyond is an experimental exhibition space where artists have the opportunity to expand the live concert format. VEGA Beyond is the place where boundaries between art forms don’t exist. Here, sound, image and performance are mixed for new cross-media experiences. In the fall of 2023 and spring of 2024 I curated experiences with including […]

Northwest Spiral

The Northwest Spiral

The Northwest Spiral is a permanent light installation developed for the Culture House Nordvest in Helsingør in collaboration with culture cultural consultant Stine Polke-Pedersen and artist Jakob Kvist. The collaborative process took place in 2020 and the installation was opened after the restrictions were lifted in 2022 The grant for the light installation was given […]



The exhibition was realized through an interdisciplinary collaboration initiated by Anne Julie Arnfred PhD and curator. It included researchers at the University of Southern Denmark, Catch – Center for Art, Design and Technology as well as artists Jesper Just and Honey Biba Beckerlee, creative coder Andreas Refsgaard and choreographer Simone Wierød. Graphical design was created […]

The Desktop

The Desktop

The Desktop is an exhibition shown at Bricks Gallery and on the blockchain in November 2023. It explores the desktop as a portal between our digital and physical lives. It features a series of digital works created by the artist Spøgelsesmaskinen aka Rune Brink on custom LED panels, an installation, a projection, and printed editions. […]

Data garden

Data Data Data

The exhibition Data Data Data explored how we can create awareness of data use and its consequences. Data Data Data was developed with the Technical Museum of Denmark and shown at Catch – Center for Art and Technology in 2020. Today, many people struggle with the task of exerting control over the utilization of their […]


The Fireplace and the Waterhole

How can an urban space be both physically and intellectually stimulating? How can new meeting points be created and what makes them important? These questions were central in our development of the public art installation The Fireplace and the Waterhole created by the artist duo Mathias & Mathias for Espergærde Gymnasium and supported by the […]



The artist Line Finderup Jensen works with 3D software and creates videos, installations and interactive experiences in VR. In 2022 she was invited to participate in a residency at Catch – Center for Art and Technology where the focus was to explore the relationship between images and videos created in game engines and classical painting […]